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Showing posts from May, 2018

6. Fox Spirit

There had many stories relating to it, Fox Spirit. Long time ago that the speaker didn't remember when, in heaven lived a nine-fox. It's pet of heaven's king. Nine-tail fox was more beautiful and charming than ever other creatures. So it's given much love, favour and power from king of heaven. It's also the reason gods living on heaven envied. They found the way to harm it. At last, they had the chance as heaven's king and it were apart. They caught it, sealed its power in itself and changed it into a normal fox (one-tail fox). Then, they threw it down ground, the world of people. They all built a lie to talk to their king and made sure that he believed it.

5. Ancient evil-bird, the lord of sky

Ancient evil-bird, the creature which nearly appeared earliest on the world. When it appeared, it immediately became the only enemy of ancient dragon, the lord of sky that moment. They had had fought for centuries and at last they had to share the sky, became two lords of sky. It's giant creature that it could shadow few countries if now it's still on sky. Its large wings can create storms, just only need to wave. Ancient evil-bird have have shape of an eagle with long feather tail. It owns the eyes of devil, blood eyes. Its hooked beak and claws are gold and sharp enough to make wounds on ancient dragon body which's considered as the creature having the hardest scales. It have two golden long feathers on its forehead which are considered as the crown. Besides the things, whole remain of its body's covered in polish black.

4. Ancient dragon

Ancient dragon, the creature appeared as the world was still chaotic, not having its shape. There had only one ancient dragon and he's father of all other dragons after. He can control all natural phonomena, water, wind, cloud, thunder... which after that were given to his offspings. He's strongest creature existing on the world. His power's over all gods and monster appearing after that. His only enemy's ancient evil-bird, the mother of all evil-birds. They had fought for centeries to devide domains in sky. Ancient dragon and ancient evil-bird are creatures outside of rules. They don't belong to any of worlds, the world of people, the world of gods and the world of monsters.

3. Oriental unicorn

... Two people were groping in night. They were in which nobody in the world wanted to come, battlefield after fight and they were item collectors. That's a disgusting job they always had to grope in thousands of copses. Smell of blood and flesh make them feel sick but that's the job brought to them much money. Under gentle light of crescent moon, all thing turned blurred and more scared. The silence and death covered upon whole the place. The people were rummaging to find precious things under copses' clothes. "Look! There!" said one of them, hinted to the silver light in the distance. They stopped and both went toward the place, thought they would get something valuable. It's usual with them precious things always lit up in night. They approached to a pile of copses and what they saw was nothing but a strange creature. Whole the creature was surrounded by silver light. Its horn head was bending down. Silver tears were dropping down. It's crying. The c