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Showing posts from July, 2017

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 1

Long time ago I mean very very long time ago that no one know How many millenniums had passed How many lives had gone How many winters had left and How many springs had come. The rainy days just left and drought days were coming. That weather made people who lived on ground got flu and desired fruit sour and acrid. That was the time the fruit in forest started to ripen. Beautiful girls went and called guys to go with them in forest and picked longans. They gathered under communal house (nhà rông *). “Hey guy! Are you busy?”, yelled girls, “if your hands are not busy with anything, if your feet are not busy with anything and you are resting. Go with us, pick longans. We are ill. We are getiing flu. We want to eat fruit, sour and acrid”.