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21. Prince and six extraordinary men

Far away in the west located a small and the most mysterious country which gave birth to the most beautiful princess. Her mother was black witch who requested people who came and asked the princess to become their wife to do the most difficult things on the world and if they didn't complete her orders, a sword would swing pass their necks and their heads would be on ground. Many princes had made their way to the castle in which the princess lived but they all had same fate. With one chop, each one's head fell down on marble floor. However, it couldn't prevent others to come and took the chance marrying with the princess. He was crown prince of a large and powerful country. He looked like son of the Sun God, handsome and strength. He had blone shiny hair which looked like sun lights lying on his wide shoulders. His blue eyes gave others facing him warm looking. And his smile was so sweet, it made every girl fall down in love with him whenever he smiled. His tall, strong bo

22. Six swans

Once upon a time, there had a king who ruled a beautiful country. The king liked hunting very much and course he was great in hunting. One day, he brought some courtiers go hunting. They went to a wood outside capital. That is great wood which not all people could be familiar with it. They all went to the familiar area with them. The king used to catch some small animals at there. Dog trainers and their dogs went ahead while the king riding on his horse followed them. After him there were close courtiers riding horses in two like, they all brought archeries and arrows. Some soldiers with full of weapons were after all. Dog trainer and soldiers scattered as they came to hunting place. They were on purpose chasing animals out of their hiding. Suddenly, a hart appeared. It raised its beautiful proud horn-head looked at them for awhile. Then, it leapt away. Immediately, the king and his courtiers forced their horsed to chase after it. Arrows shot to the hart but they could only touched

Thi Kinh Bodhisattva

A  person had been born times, lived other lives. Each time being born, the person was always a monk or a nut, lived with strong religious belief. She or he had passed nine lives but still   didn’t reach Nirvana. At the tenth, the person was reborn in the form of a girl. She was daughter of a normal family who lived in Cao Ly and her name was Thi Kinh. Thi Kinh was a calm, kind-hearted girl. She was the person who loved her mother and father, using to help them homework. When she grew up, he parent let her married with a student whose name’s Thien Si. Thien Si was born in normal family, not richer than her family but he was very hard in studying. Therefore, Thi Kinh had nothing more pleased than undertaking all homework for her husband to have time to study. One normal night, Thien Si sat on floor reading book while his wife, Thi Kinh, was staying by sewing. Front their face was only an oil lamp. Later, Thien Si felt tired, he laid down his head was on his wife’s thigh. They had

Love in dreams

Once upon a time, a boy named Chu Sinh lived in Hung Hoa. He lost parent when he was child and was taken care of by his uncle. As much as his uncle treated him well, his aunt, on other side, treated him as much as badder. His aunt really hated him that she was angry as she had to served a nephew, a student, food and drinks while he did nothing but studying that was useless with her in reality. Therefore, whenever she had chance to going cross him, she was always giving him venomous words. But, the boy knew exactly his position in the house and chose not to reply. Day by day, the aunt seemed not to have more sympathy with him she scolded him all day. One day, his uncle went out and his aunt seemed had her chance scolding him as much as she could and the boy that time couldn’t keep silent anymore he replied few word. But, that seemed to be a reason for his aunt turned angry. She shouted: “Go away -- if that is what you want and remember – don’t come back here”. vietnamesefairyta

14. Three valiant men

Once upon a time, in a small village lived a woman. She had no husband but was a person who worked very hard. She started working in field from early morning when just sang and only came back home as stars appeared on the sky. One day, when she was working as normal, she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Her throat got burned she felt thirsty. Hurriedly, she found the way to a tent standing at the edge, seeked for water. There had no water. The woman had no choice the thirst forced her to find water and satisfied it. It's lucky she discovered water after a little time wandering. Water drops were falling down from a big rock. She had no time to think much or observed the strange rock what she wanted immediately was satisfying her thirst. She turned face upward then three drops fell in her mouth. Just three drops satisfied completely her thirst, left the feeling of cool and gentle sweet in her mouth for long. The rock had the shape of a giant man who was taking horn, looking at sky. The