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Discover the Legendary World of Mythic Relics: A Journey Through Power, Protection, and Magic

Step into a realm where legendary weapons, sacred objects, and mystical materials hold the power to shape destinies. The Mythic Relics series by Hung Nguyen invites readers on an epic adventure across the myths and legends of the ancient world. Whether you’re fascinated by Greek gods, Norse heroes, or the mysterious artifacts of ancient civilizations, this five-book collection will captivate your imagination. Each artifact is brought to life with stunning illustrations, immersing you in the magic and mystery of these legendary relics.

1. Mythic Arsenal: The Ultimate Ranking of Legendary Weapons ($18.99)

Unveil the secrets of the most powerful weapons in mythology. Mythic Arsenal ranks and explores iconic armaments like Thor’s mighty hammer Mjölnir, which summons lightning, and Excalibur, the sword that only King Arthur could wield. Every weapon has its own story, forged by the gods and imbued with unimaginable power. Discover how these legendary tools shaped the fate of gods and mortals alike, with each page revealing awe-inspiring tales of divine justice, chaos, and destiny.

2. Mythical Relics: Volume 1 - Legends of Power and Protection ($13.99)

Prepare to be amazed by the relics of protection and power in Mythical Relics. This book brings to life Zeus’s Aegis, the shield that can summon fear and devastation, and Achilles’ armor, which made him nearly invincible. Explore the mystical origins, design, and magic of these artifacts, each crafted to protect the wearer and strike fear into enemies. The vivid illustrations make you feel like you’re holding these divine objects in your hands, experiencing the raw power they command.

3. Mythical Treasures: Volume 2 - Artifacts of Power and Mystery ($14.99)

Dive deeper into the world of hidden treasures and mysterious powers with Mythical Treasures. This volume features relics like the Philosopher’s Stone, rumored to grant eternal life, and Gjallarhorn, the horn that will signal the end of the world. From ancient Greece to Norse mythology, each treasure holds deep secrets and legendary influence. With meticulously detailed descriptions and artwork that brings these artifacts to life, you’ll be transported to realms where magic and mystery intertwine.

4. Mythical Wonders: Volume 3 - Sacred Objects and Cursed Relics ($15.99)

In Mythical Wonders, encounter the most revered and feared sacred objects and cursed relics. From the Third Eye of Shiva, a symbol of destruction and enlightenment, to Poseidon’s Chariot, which commands the seas, these powerful relics wield divine influence over the cosmos. Each artifact is tied to mythological tales that speak of balance between creation and destruction, light and darkness. The rich storytelling and mesmerizing illustrations will draw you into the epic narratives that have shaped the ancient world.

5. Mystical Substances: Unlocking the Secrets of Myth and Magic ($11.99)

Finally, embark on an exploration of legendary materials in Mystical Substances. Discover the ethereal Aether, the divine essence that flows through the universe, and Adamant, the unbreakable metal. Each material has been the subject of ancient lore and holds profound symbolic meaning. This book explores how these mystical elements reflect humanity’s deepest desires, fears, and the search for power and immortality. You’ll be fascinated by how these extraordinary materials transcend myth and mirror the mysteries of the cosmos.

What makes the Mythic Relics series so unique? It’s not just the legendary artifacts or the gripping mythology—it’s the breathtaking illustrations that accompany each relic, making you feel as if you’re in the presence of gods, heroes, and forces beyond imagination. Whether you’re a lover of mythology, a fantasy enthusiast, or a curious reader, this series offers an unforgettable journey into the magical world of ancient myths.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of these legendary treasures and experience the wonder, power, and magic that have captivated the human imagination for millennia!



List of Vietnamese fairy tales

Vietnamese  fairy tales includes many stories as Tam and Cam; So Dua; Hundred – knot- bamboo tree... which were spread in folk. Each stories has  its own meaning. I think I can not translate exactly each word into english but I will try my best to convey its meaning to you. Hope you like them!

Bài 1.2: Phân biệt tân ngữ và bổ ngữ.

Hầu hết các bạn học tiếng anh đều đã từng nghe qua khái niệm tân ngữ và bổ ngữ nhưng không phải ai cũng làm rõ hai khái niệm này. Vì vậy mình có viết một bài hy vọng phần nào giúp ích cho các bạn trong việc phân biệt rõ đâu là bổ ngữ và đâu là tân ngữ. Việc này có thể có ích cho các bạn khi nghiên cứu các tài liệu học tiếng anh khác.

Bài 14: Danh từ đếm được số ít và số nhiều và quy tắc thêm chuyển từ danh từ đếm được số ít sang số nhiều.

      Như chúng ta đã biết danh từ thường phân thành nhiều loại nhưng về mặt ngữ pháp bạn chỉ cần biết danh từ gồm hai loại: danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được. Về cơ bản mình sẽ nói qua một chút về danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được vì bài này chủ yếu xoay quanh danh từ đếm được. Về bản chất danh từ đếm được là những từ bạn có thể kiểm soát nó bằng mặt số lượng tức là bạn có thể đếm 1, 2, 3 cái gì đó và nó có sự phân biệt giữa số ít (một) và số nhiều (hơn một) của loại từ này trong ngữ pháp của câu. Ví dụ: I have  bananas và  I have  a banana  có sự khác biệt rõ ràng, bạn có nhận thất mạo từ  “a”  ở trước banana không? Thêm nữa Bananas  are  yellow và a banana  is  yellow bạn có nhận thấy động từ đi kèm có sự khác biệt không; danh từ số nhiều sẽ tương đương vói ư chỉ ngữ they và danh từ số ít sẽ tương đương vói it. Cơ bản là thế. Còn về danh không đếm được thì bạn phải cân, đo, đong như những thứ thuộc chất lỏng, chất rắn, hạt, hay những danh từ mang tính trừu tượn

Tu Thuc and wonderland

A  boy, named Tu Thuc, lived in Tran dynasty. He was offspring of a mandarin and was taught carefully. When he was 20 years old, he got passed all contests the king organized. So, he was appointed to be district mandarin. Not like other mandarins he liked freedom, hated rules. He also didn’t like to swarm others. He liked to drink, do poetry and go sightseeing. A large temple stood in the area he managed. Peonies were grown in temple’s garden and they bloomed in every January that was also the time the temple had a Buddhist festival. Many people from anywhere gathered at there as the festival started. Tu Thuc had heard about the festival and wanted to go to there one time. He put on normal clothes that helped him not to be realized by others. He went alone to the temple. That time, Buddhism was national religion of the country so monks were people who had high positions. Monks set a rule that anyone who picked up flowers or broke boughs would be paid for that and if they had no

Thanh Giong

Once  upon a time, a woman was old but she had not given birth a child. One day, when she went to her field, she saw a stranger footsore on the ground. The big footsore made her surprise and said: “omg, this footsore is so big” the she put her foot into the footsore. More 9 months later, she gave birth to a little boy named Giong. The boy was extraordinary that he was over three years old but had not spoken. He only knew lying and smiling. That year, the enemies they were known An planed to attack the country of the boy. They were merciless. Wherever they had gone, houses were ruined, fields were fired, people were killed. The sight behind them is mess of corpse and blood and ashes.The King was worry he forced his servants to look for person who could fight against the enemies.  One day, a servent went to Giong’s village while the woman was holding the boy in her arms, she said sadly that: “Giong, I wonder that when you have grown up to fight

Danh sách truyện cổ tích việt nam

Dưới  đây là những câu truyện cổ tích chắc có lẽ chỉ quen thuộc với mọi người. Bởi lẽ, ngày nay chúng ta đã quá quen với các phương tiện giải trí khác như smart phone, internet có thể dễ dàng cập nhật những bộ phim hay, trò chơi điện tử hấp dẫn. Những câu truyện cổ tích vì vậy không còn quá nhiều sức hấp dẫn đối với chúng ta. Tuy nhiên, mỗi câu chuyện ở đây đều mang trong mình một ý nghĩa riêng. Nếu bạn là người yêu thích những thứ liên quan tới văn hóa dân gian Việt nam; từng một lần ghé qua đây, hãy đọc những câu chuyện dưới đây và nhận lấy cho mình một ý nghĩa trong mỗi câu chuyện dưới đây.

The Tale of the Hundred - knot Bamboo tree

Once upon a time, there had a boy who was poor, had no field. Therefore, he found the way to work for a landlord. He was healthy, worked hard and great in working so the landlord wanted him to work for him long time without any pay. One day, he called the boy to come. "You are honest and healthy. If you agree to work for me in three years without pay, I will let you marry with my only daughter after that." The boy agreed. He believed completely. He worked very hard, help the landlord turn richer that he could build more houses, buy more fields and cattles. Then, time passed. Three years nearly crossed, the boy always remembered his master's promise while his master, the landlord didn't want to do his promise. He in secret had found another boy for his daughter, a son of another landlord in that area. Therefore, what he need was a reason to refuse the boy. One day, he called the boy to come. "You have worked very hard for three years, waken early, slept late.

Marry with ghost

Le  was a poor young man who taught children to live. Before that, He often came to children’s homes and did his job but, now he had a class on land of a landlord. The landlord didn’t want his children went far to study so he invited him to his mansion built for him a roof. So that, he could stay in there, teach his children and other children. There had a girl, daughter of the landlord. Her name’s Thi. She was young and beautiful. Just like young girls she didn’t need long time to fall in love with her teacher, kind, having knowledge and of course, handsome. Thi’s good, having innocent heart and so Le replied her love he gave her his love, also. And they both fell in deep love it’s a beautiful love. As young lover couple often did they had swear that was, no thing could separate them though it’s death. It’s enough what they needed was a wedding. But, things were not like what they thought. Thi’s parent refused bluntly as Le’s parent brought wedding present to their home an

Wishing pearl

De was a young boy. His parent was servants of a landlord. Every morning, De led landlord’s cattle to meadow and brought them back at nightfall. De used to be excited in playing with his fellows and when he was in his game he didn’t care anything. Many times the cattle he herded ate rice on field and the owners used to beat him pained but he still left cattle and joined in his fellows. One normal day, he and his fellows had a swimming competition. An award was given to the winner that he couldn’t refuse. Therefore, he participated in the competition and left his cattle on a wild hill. They swam and dived in water until noon and when they walked on ground, a cow had disappeared. The cow belonged to no one but his master. Children separated to find the cow but the cow seemed to vanish they couldn’t find it. Sun was going to down, children made their ways to home they left De staying at there. Day stayed at there alone crying. After that, he fell in sleep. Latter, he was woken up b