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Showing posts from August, 2017

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 6

“Hey Giông, GiỡHreng, GiỡTuKrong! Hey DamPhan, MaKlen, MaJong! Hey BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong!” said  BiaSơdrăngMatAnar, “This is delicious rice. This is silver fish, gold fish greasy. Everyone, let’s eat together. If anyone who don’t want to eat my rice and my fish, pour away”. “Don’t say that BiaSơdrăngMatAnar”, said Giông, “No one here can’t refuse your food. They look delicous and we are all hungry.” Then Giông invited all others to enjoy the food. Giông turned to BiaSơdrăngMatAnar and said: “BiaSơdrăngMatAnar! Come here and join with us. Let’s have something to remember the first time we meet.”

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 5

Giông went toward BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong. Politely he asked: “BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong what’s happening? Why are you unpleasant? Why do you and they fight? You all make me scared”. Then Giông clever and talented continued. “I am an orphan. My parent died when I was a child. My grandparent also had died. When I see you, I remember my grandfather. When he was alive, he’s also as huge as you. He also had beard sweeping on ground as you. BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong, the person’s like my grandfather you will not frightened me, will you? You will be kind to me, won’t you”, said Giông.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 4

Their fighting was very noisy. When their knives hit against the others or hit again shields it rumbled as thunders. The place between sky and ground where they fought was covered by dusts. They wrestled, punched and kicked other by their feet. They burked others by their huge hands. Daytime as like nighttime they fought without resting. Sometime, GiỡTuKrong and his fellows got advantage but sometime, they lost. Long time had passed but they still didn’t find out the winner. BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong clawed on GiỡTuKrong’s face by his pointed hard fingernails but all his fingernails were broken while GiỡTuKrong’s face had no scratch. GiỡTuKrong raised his hexagonal rod which was made of brass and lashed on BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong’s face. BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong dizzied and fell on ground he fainted.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 3

BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong kept crying and wriggling as a worm. “How’d you dare? Dare to cut my longan tree? Dare to steal my longans”, he roared, “If you wan, you have to ask me and letting you or not is my decision”. Then, hundreds of people, thousand of people started speaking: “No village here, no field here, there are only trees and mountains. We think it’s a wild longan tree and of course, it’s really a wild longan tree. It’s born and grew up itself no one planted and took care of”. BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong turned angry, again.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 2

GiỡTuKrong turned to DamPhan. “You try first”, he said, “This tree’s high as hell I think it’s dificult to climb”.  DamPhan stood up. He extended his arms and held on the tree and started climbing. Each step he climbed higher and higher. All people standing out looked up at him and cheered him up.  DamPhan got highly on the tree but he only reached to the fourth branch before he felt exhauted and fell down. GiỡTuKrong turned to GiỡHreng and said: