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14. Three valiant men

Once upon a time, in a small village lived a woman. She had no husband but was a person who worked very hard. She started working in field from early morning when just sang and only came back home as stars appeared on the sky. One day, when she was working as normal, she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Her throat got burned she felt thirsty. Hurriedly, she found the way to a tent standing at the edge, seeked for water. There had no water. The woman had no choice the thirst forced her to find water and satisfied it. It's lucky she discovered water after a little time wandering. Water drops were falling down from a big rock. She had no time to think much or observed the strange rock what she wanted immediately was satisfying her thirst. She turned face upward then three drops fell in her mouth. Just three drops satisfied completely her thirst, left the feeling of cool and gentle sweet in her mouth for long. The rock had the shape of a giant man who was taking horn, looking at sky. The

18. Three golden hairs of demon

Once upon a time, in a small village a boy was born. The prophet talked that he would get married with a princess when he was sixteen years old. The prophecy fastly came to the king who was traveling incognito. The king who had bad heart didn't want his son-in-law's person having humble origin. He found the way to home of the child, put on in clothes of wealthy trader, brought some slaves with him. He pretended as a kind trader who had no child, and desired to have one. By sweet lies, the king convinced parent of the child. "You are poor." he said, "Give him to me. I will take of him." The couple refused till he gave them glittering golden bars. "It's his luck. His fate will be good." they thought so. Then, they gave their son to the king, thought that their son would grow up in wealth. The king put the child in a case, brought it, rode away. He stood on the edge and threw the case into a strong river. "So, my daughter did get rid

13. The tale of cactus

Once upon a time, in countryside lived an family. They were a happy family. Everyday, the father went to wood, the mother cooked and their daughter wove. That year, the sun burned their region hardly. Rivers and lakes were dried. Fields chapped. Their village turned wild because people people found the way to leave. The girl and her parent had to left there had mothing for them to eat. Hunger and thirst took the mother's health off. At last, she died. To have money to bury her mother, the girl sold herself to a trader. The trader had a plan he would brought her to city where the slave market was. He could get much money if he sold her there. The father didn't want to be apart from his daughter. He prayed to go with them. "Please! Bring me with you. I'm healthy and will be useful for you." The trader agreed. "Alright! You will take care of slaves and camels." said the trader. That's a long and hard journey. They had gone on many roads, come

16. Godfather's the Death

In slums of a town a family lived. There had twelve children in the family and they were going to have the thirteen child. The father didn't know anymore people to become his child's godfather. Therefore, decided to invite a person he met on street to come and be his child's godfather. He went out in night and met the God first. God was wearing in nice clothes. On his head was a golden crown. Golden chains and rings were around his neck and fingers. The God knew the father's intention so before the father could say, the God said: "Poor of you. Poor of you son. I'll be pleased to become your son's godfather. I will look after him and also make him to be the happiest person on the world." "Who are you?" asked the father at one. "I'm God man.", the God answered him. "I don't want you to become my son's godfather God. You only care about wealthy people while the poor you ignore them." He left after refused

20. Drummer and bewitched princess

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." Sun was going to down. Drumbeats spread out in field. A drummer was going on the way to home. He strode passed a pond which was beside the way. "Oh! Beautiful!", he said, picking up a piece of cloth left on the shore. He put it in his pocket then left, kept beating and going. He came home and forgot the thing he had picked. Therefore, he went to bed and was going to sleep. "Drummer! Drummer! Wake up!" Some one was calling him in very light prety voice as like she was whispering. It's so dark he didn't see exactly what's it what he saw was something blurred white above his face. "What do you want?" he asked. "Please return my clothes." said the white shadow, "You took it on the shore." "Right!" he said, "I will give it to you but - Who are you?" "I am a princess, a bewwitched princess who's chained by an evil witch to live in Glass mountain. Today,