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Showing posts from September, 2017

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 12

The fighting of Giông, GiỡTuKrong, DamPhan, GiỡHreng, MaKlen and MaJong, LingNgoa, RơNung and BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong, AtauYangBul turned much more fierce than ever. Though LingNgoa and RơNung were new born children, they were strong and combative. While they were fighting against AtauYangBul, they saw their mothers coming so they dropped their shields, the baskets and knife and ran toward their mothers. “Father and uncles help us fight to BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong and AtauYangBul. We rest a while”, they said.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 11

Giông and the others, all talked to LingNgoa and RơNung: “Go home! And get your milk. Let BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong and AtauYangBul for us. We’ll take care of them.” “Go! Go! You two look so hungry. Go home and don’t worry about anything.” added  MaKlen, MaJong. “My son”, said Giông, “go home and send your mothers my regards. Tell them I’m fine”. LingNgoa and RơNung grabbed their knives and baskets they were going to come back home. “Buzz! Buzzz! Buzz!” they flew apart.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 10

DrangMai turned scared and more scared as she thought about what her son had just said it’ s too strange to her and she couldn’t understand why her son said that. Then, she turned to LingNgoa and said: “My son... I ever heard bout Giông a handsome and talent man but I have never met him, have never talked to him. So, how can you be his son?” Then, DrangMai continued talking she talked to herself.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 9

At last, Giông decided to stand outside. He peed on one mango and started he muttered: “God! If I’m the person who talent and powerful as like a son of God, I will throw this mango into the millstone DrangMai use everyday. Whole night she will not able to sleep. She will feel like to eat mangoes. She will find and find out this mango and enjoy it. After that she will be pregnant and enough time she will give birth to a son, my son and his name will be LingNgoa”. Giông threw that mango. It flew highly and dropped right in DrangMai’s millstone. That night, DrangMai couldn’t sleep her brain only thought about eating mango. She sat up and turned to her mother.

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 8

“All right!” said Giông and GiỡHreng, “We will go in. If we stain your community house by blood, you don’t hate us or if we made your community house shake or ruin it, you don’t say that we want to do it. Or if you also want to fight with us, let us know immediately”. “I am gentle person”, said AtauYangBul, “Who have never gotten argument with anyone. I have asked BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong but he don’t listen he still lie on floor under blanket shaking. Come on and fight with him on floor. I will go and sleep at garret”. While BiaBơngBơh, BiaSơngLong, BiaSơdrăngMatAnar found shade under trees resting, Giông, GiỡTuKrong, DamPhan, GiỡHreng, MaKlen, MaJong started stepping up community house. “MaKlen, MaJong shut the doors up.” said GiỡTuKrong “Today we will fight with BokKiekLaDiaKlaKong in this community house”.

Story 14: King Than Tong Ly

He  was born in 1116 and ascended to the throne when he was 11 years old. He was a king for 11 years with sick body. Than Tong Ly was a king having nothing special to talk about. Though, he was mentioned in history because he was a superstitious person and his superstition sometime made mandarins, generals and including normal people go in his game. Turn back in time when Nhan Tong Ly was ruling. The kind wise king was over fifty years old but he hadn’t given birth to a son that’s the thing which made him and including people in that country fell saddest. To make people peace in mind he decreed that he will choose a person in royals to become crown prince. After long time choosing, at last, the person was chosen was son of a royal, Sung Hien. Duong Hoan, it’s the name of lucky boy and that time he was just one year old. Though all of people talked that he’s lucky boy, he had a sick body he got sick for whole of his childhood and many time people thought that he couldn’t get pass i

GIỠ HAO JRANG chapter 7

“Let’s break there protection layers”Giông, GiỡHreng talked to the others, “though Giông, GiỡHreng’re lowly, though our strength’re not stronger than anyone and though we had heart empty, we will try –never scare, never turn back”. “Let’s start”, Giông added, “GiỡTuKrong, you are big brother -- you first, stand up and step on ground and try to break there walls.” “Let it there” said GiỡTuKrong, standing up, “See how much I GiỡTuKrong can do”.

Story 13: Van Thinh Le

Chi  Nhi, Dong Lat where Van Thinh Le who was known as studious, intelligent boy was born. When he was child, he used to wander around the temple in the village. When the elder monk, the Abbot, taught young monks Chinese characters, he really like that and used to stand outside, looking in. Because of his intelligence, he showed preeminence than ever young monk though he was not taught directly. Because of that the elder monk allowed him to go in temple library to study. Van Thinh Le remembered all things he had ever read over. When he was 13 years old, he had extensive knowledge in many fields that people called him child prodigy. His father was poor village-doctor so his desire was not becoming a mandarin. Though, he still tried to study that was because he wanted to fill his desire of knowledge. But a thing had changed his fate, a decree of the king. That year the king held a 3-round- competition called “Minh kinh bác học” (wise scholar). The competition was held to find tale