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Khoa Dang Nguyen

Once  upon a time, the country had a mandarin, named Khoa Dang Nguyen who was known by ability solving cases and his kindness. He used to be assigned to go other districts and managed the area. One day, he was assigned to a district and there had a case. A person had destroyed all cucumber trees of his neighbour in field because they had hatred. The next morning when the neighbor went to the field and found out that all trees had died. He saw cucumbers which would harvest in few days withered, that made him painful. He creamed and cried and found the way to find the mandarin and asked him to punish who had done the thing. Mr. Dang went to the field and observed. All marks pointed that accused had used a spade. The accused had used the blade to cut top of tree and used handle to crushed roots. But the accused was wise that he or she had cleaned footprints. Mr. Dang turned to the neighbor, the plaintiff and asked: “Do you think about anyone?”    vietnamesefairytales.blogspot.c

Three boys

Once  upon a time, Le family had daughter who was not only beautiful but also great in knowledge and skillful that none could be better than her. When he was old enough to marry, many people had come, mandarins, landlords, students… but her father refused all of them. He said to them: “My daughter doesn’t need to be mandarin’s wife, landlord’s wife. She only wants a husband who had a skill but he has to be great in the skill. If people who don’t have the thing don’t come to my home”. The news the girl need a husband spread largely so many people came and tried but nobody could made the father satisfied. One day, three boys came to meet him. All of them were young, handsome and healthy. After the father heard them introduce themselves, he knew that they came from three places and just met the others as they arrived to there. One of them was an archer who could shoot any thing though it was far away or close, big or small. The second boy

King Pig

Once  upon a time, a boy had no both father and mother or any relatives. He was laid on road. A landlord brought him to home and fed him. Because he was dirty as the landlord brought him to home, people called him Pig. Though others derided, was not respected, Pig didn’t fell uncomfortable. Pig grew up and passed famine years. When Pig was fifteen years old, Pig worked for a mandarin. One day, the mandarin asked him to bring a pot of water and bathed his feet. The mandarin showed him moles and threatened: “I have three red moles here. Carefully. If you make any scratch, you and, all of your family also can not indemnify. Understand!”  Pig thought: “He was arrogant because of three red moles”. Then Pig pulled his shirt up to showed the mandarin his moles. He said: “You think your three moles are valuable. You see I have nine red moles here”. The mandarin felt surprise as he see nine red moles in Pig’back. He thought: “God, how can he get them? It is very valuable the s

Van Khoi Le

Once  upon a time that was the time the country was reigned by Minh Mang king. A poor boy but had great health. He worked as a ferryman at Thien ta port. When he was born he had three red moles on his stomach, people said that was rare signal. The rumor about his red moles spread to mandarins who thought that the boy would be an insurgent when he grew up. Therefore, they planned to arrest. The boy was informed, he escaped to a highland, Cao Bang province. He urged others to join with him and fought against the royal. Huu Khoi Nguyen was one of his fellows. He was young but had great health and bravery. Their power grew up so fast. In the short time, they had occupied whole Cao Bang province and opened out surroundings. The recent king feared, he ordered Van Duyet Le a powerful general to pacify. Though soldiers fought bravely, they repeatedly lost the battle. At last, they were forced to defend in the capital. Van Duyet Le feared that he could

Le Loi

Long  time ago, that was the time the country was reigned by Minh a country in north of the country. The enemies treated them very bad. Therefore, many revolutions happened but they had never gotten success. Laking of food and supporters were the reasons of their failure. But they grouped again at one because their leader was Le Loi, a person without discouragement. One time, when Le Loi led insurgents fought against the enemies and got failure, they separated. Enemies rounded Le Loi but he escaped and ran away. The enemies chased after him to come to a small village. His case, now, was very dangerous. He ran cross plants and saw a man with his wife catching fish on a pond. He approached the man and asked: “Please, let me catch fish here, the enemies were finding me”. Then man took off his shirt and threw it to him. He hinted him to go down and pretended as he was catching fish with them. The enemies came to after that short time. They stopped by the pond, observed and asked

Mr. Nam Cuong

Long  time ago nobody couldn’t remember when. In Quan anh village lived a powerful wizard. Whenever he slept he only woke up after three day and three night passed. As he woke up he went out at one but nobody knew where he went. That time, rebels appeared in many place. They made armies had no time to rest. Though his actions were secret, at last people found out the wizard lead ghost soldiers to practice. They hung a flag which had two words “Nam Cuong” in it (Nam Cuong means Nam is a strong country). People called him Nam Cuong after that. Nam Cuong liked gambling and always won. Whenever he gambled, he used to win all money of others. But, man Cuong had never brought to home the money, he always divided to the poor. Due to that, the poor used to round him. One day, he went to district market. When he went in a restaurant, many beggars had rounded him. But, that time, he didn’t bring money. He observed and found out a local official. Th

Dog, cat and boy

Once upon a time, a boy and his mother lived in a small village. They were poor. Though the boy had gone to somewhere to find a job but nobody hired him. Till a master of merchant ship hired him because he could swim and had good health. The master prepaid him 40 coins. So happy he brought 30 coins to his mother and only kept 10 coins. The merchant ship outed to the sea. Five days passed they arrived to a port which was very crowded. Other sailors suggested: “Here all things are very cheap. Buy something and bring back you will get much more money”. The boy had never traded but so he didn’t know what he should buy with his ten coins. He wandered. Suddenly, he met some people who were carrying a dog which was tied and planned to throw it into the sea. The boy ran to and prevented them. “Why do you treat the dog so bad?”, he said. “Its master asked us to do because he was very angry as he discovered that th