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Showing posts from January, 2019

Servant and thief

Once  upon a time, two boys loved a girl and they went to the girl’s house at same time to ask her to marry with one of them. While the girl was wondering who she should marry with, they went to a restaurant together and negotiated.   The first person said that his name was Luc Tran and he worked for a landlord in village. Because he was friendly, the second person didn’t hesitate to say that he was Don Le and he was a   thief. Though, none wanted to give up the girl. At last, they decided to have a competition and the person who lost would give up Do Le brought Luc Tran to his home and tread him well. That night, Do Le asked Luc Tran to follow him. They wandered few villages. At last, they stopped front of a house. Do Le said: “People living in the house were not rich but they have just had new bride. So, I will take the dess which the bride was dressing”. Then Do Le climbed over fence, opened the gate and let Luc Tran wen in. They cli

Torture a rock

Once  upon a time, a couple lived in a small village. They were people who worked hard but that didn’t help them have enough food to eat. That time was the time recent year had nearly gone   and Tet holiday was coming. They didn’t have a little rice and course, no money. The husband came to all people he knew and insisted them to borrow some money. At last, one gave him a little. He happily ran toward home and gave his wife the money. He asked her to go to market buy things to prepare for the feast on 30th December on lunar calendar. The wife set a pannier on her head and went toward market. After bought necessary things she put the pannier on her head and made her way to home. The way which led to her home crossed a ditch and she had to wade through the ditch. Unfortunately, while she was wading, she stepped on a rock and slided. The pannier and all things in it sunk into mud. The poor wife felt hopeless, she didn’t pick up the thing and also

The carpenter in Nam Hoa

Once  upon a time, a skillful carpenter, named Chuan, lived in Nam Hoa village. When he was young he went around country to work and learn skill from other carpenters. He found the way to meet all people who he heard about their name to ask them teach him though he had to do the hardest job. However, he still didn’t find out great skillful teacher after decades. One time, he participated to build a temple in a village. In the lunch, while people were eating, a beggar came and prayed for food. Others dodged him but he separated his food in two and gave the beggar a half. When they finished and went back to their work, the beggar aproached to Chuan and asked him to try. He gave the beggar his chisel and let him try but he had never thought that the beggar so skillful. Animals which were chiseled on wood looked like as real animals that gave him an idea they could move. He stood on his knees immediately and asked the beggar to teach him the sk

The third wife of Cai Vang.

Once  upon a time, Hoang Van area was managed by a mandarin. People called him Cai Vang. When he was child, he picked up a pearl. That was a magical pearl. It helped him not to be harm by any arrow. All arrows turned to other direction when they flew nearly him. Cai Vang had brought the pearl with him every time since he got it. While the time he was mandarin, he used taxes for himself. Therefore, he was imprisoned and tortured. One day, soldiers escorted him cross a forest. When they spent very litte noticing on him, he ran. Soldiers chased after him and shot arrows toward him. Because of magical pearl, he could escape safely. From that time, Cai Vang grouped people and trained them. He planned to fight against the king. He called himself Thuong Cong. Cai Vang had three wifes. His third wife was great in martial arts though she was only 20 years old. Before he started to fight he called three wifes to come and ask: “I am now sitting on t

Slandered wife

Once  upon a time, two silk traders, one was Ly and the other was Tinh, lived in two provinces but they used to meet the other in the town where they sold their silks. Therefore, they became familiarly after each meeting and then, they became best friends.     One day, Ly invited Tinh and some traders to his home and treated them a meal. As they had drunk, they talked about women. “Virgin is useless with me. I don’t think that a woman can be faithful with one man entire life. That is nonsense”, said one of them surely. “Only a little money, some sweet words, I can make a woman though she is the most faithful woman fall down”, said Ly after that.   Tinh didn’t agree with their opinion. He said: “I don’t think what you said is true. I have a beautiful and faithful wife. She is the best example for faithfulness”, said Tinh surely. But, people in the meal smirked they thought that Tinh was innocent. To prove what he had said was true, Tin

Two Tran princesses.

The  recent king, a king of Tran dynasty, had given birth to five princesses. Two of them were beautiful  princesses whose names Bao Nuong and Ngoc Nuong and both of them were old enough to marry. The king planned to find husbands for them but they refused. They like traveling. One day, they came and asked the king: “Dad, My king, I and my sister are people who love our country. So, we want to travel and enjoy scenery before we marry with others”. The king couldn’t prevent them and he had to agree. The princesses disguised as two men and brought with them some servants. They set off and came to places in the country. They had landed on many places which were known as beautiful places. Meanwhile, the country was fighting with enemies, a country in the north of the country, Nguyen. The enemies were cruel. Wherever they had crossed, all remaining things were ruins though those were temples or houses. The recent king had many time ordered gen

Innocent boy

Once  upon a time, a poor boy who lost his parent as he was a child. He was innocent so people called him innocent boy. Innocent boy worked for a landlord. He worked very hard. Therefore, after five years as innocent boy asked the landlord for his wage, the landlord insisted him to work for him another five years. After hearing sweet words, innocent boy was please to continue working. Other five years passed, innocent boy one more time asked the landlord for his wage. The landlord another time insisted him. “We have known the other for long time that makes us familiar. Therefore, you stay with me another five years and as you leave, I will give you three golden bars. You will be rich at the moment”. Innocent boy felt interested so he agreed. Five years passed that time innocent boy asked for his wage and showed his idea that he wanted to leave. Though the landlord gave him other promises, he didn’t change his mind. At last, the landlord ga