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Two Tran princesses.

The recent king, a king of Tran dynasty, had given birth to five princesses. Two of them were beautiful 
princesses whose names Bao Nuong and Ngoc Nuong and both of them were old enough to marry. The king planned to find husbands for them but they refused. They like traveling. One day, they came and asked the king: “Dad, My king, I and my sister are people who love our country. So, we want to travel and enjoy scenery before we marry with others”.
The king couldn’t prevent them and he had to agree. The princesses disguised as two men and brought with them some servants. They set off and came to places in the country. They had landed on many places which were known as beautiful places.
Vietnamese fairy tales
Meanwhile, the country was fighting with enemies, a country in the north of the country, Nguyen. The enemies were cruel. Wherever they had crossed, all remaining things were ruins though those were temples or houses. The recent king had many time ordered generals to fight against them but they couldn’t stopped their’s steeps. Later, the enemies captured a large area which was in a side of Thuong river. They camped in the place and did cruel things, killing, rape and destroying.
Now, the princesses were in the other side of the river. Because the area had beautiful scenery, they ordered servants to build a house to stay there few days. The house was placed by the shore. The sight of killing, rape and destroying, of course, went into the eyes. They were enraged. They discussed with the other and sent a letter to their father and asked him to let them risk their lives with them.
The great general of enemies came from Bac Giang. He had two pioneering generals who were going to cross the river. The princesses discussed with people who had high position in the area they were staying to help them do their plan. The people agreed to help them.
They made-up beautifully then pretended as hawkers. They showed themselves to enemies on purpose. Of course, the pioneering generals loved them when they had seen them. They sent a letter to the village immediately. They requested that the village had to give them the girls, the princesses or all of them would diedas they had crossed the river. The princesses answered their letter.
“We are waiting for you. But we are offsping of king. So, we can not marry with others in any way. If you spend us love, you have to choose a good day and row boats coming and bringing us with you. All things have to follow customs. If any one of you has a little thought that you only want to rape us, we will drop ourselves in water immediately”.
The pioneering generals prepared presents, treasures and two boats. They asked some servants and maids to row cross the river and bring the things to the place where the princesses were to ask them to become their wifes. The princesses treated them, the servants and maids, very well. They had prepared a great feast to serve all of them. While they were enjoying the feast, some people had gotten princesses’ orders brought the boats to wild place and started drilling. After thet, they inserted stoppers in the holes then brought to the place where they were left and some people had gotten orders to ride to Ke Cho, informed to soldiers that they prepared to fight. Besides, pricesses gave the people a farewell letter to send to soldiers and ask them to bring the letter to their father and mother. After all things were in their ways, the princesses said to servants of the pioneering generals:
“Talk to your masters that we have chosen good day. At 6:00 pm that day, we will follow them. But, you have to say with your masters that we don’t want to have your wedding between thousands swords, we want had their wedding in the boats”.
When the date came, the princesses went on boats with the servants and maids. They rowed crossed the river. When the boats nearly came to the other side, they asked servants to stop. Of course, the pioneering generals couldn’t wait any more. They made their way to went in the boats which was in middle of river. As the pioneering generals see their beauty, they lusted. They asked others to go away. The princesses served them wine as much as they could. While they were enjoying wine and beauty, divers dived into the river and started drawing out the stoppers. Water went in boats violently. Short time later, boats and people staying in them had been sunk into water.
Soldiers had gone to the place in secret. They were people who lived by the shore helped to cross the river. That time, they attacked enemies in surprise. The enemies lost their leaders, became confused and were destroyed at one. Because of the win, the king and his family, mandarins had more time to move out of the capital and prepared for the next fighting.      
Later, enemies were chased out of the country. People remembered to the great thing the princesses, Bao Nuong and Ngọc Nuong, had done. They built a temple at Da Moi to respect them.

"Translated by Hung Nguyen"

Book Introductions

1. Complete Collection of Vietnamese Fairy Tales - A Treasury of Legends and Folklore

Discover over 240 enchanting Vietnamese fairy tales, translated into English and beautifully illustrated. This collection is a treasure trove of legends and folklore that reflect Vietnam's rich cultural heritage. Available as an ebook on: Kobo, Apple Books

2. Vietnamese Fairy Tales - Stories in English and Vietnamese

This bilingual collection features 162 Vietnamese fairy tales in both English and Vietnamese, with stunning illustrations. Ideal for language learners and cultural enthusiasts. Available as an ebook on: Kobo, Apple Books

3. The Treasury of Fables

An enchanting collection of timeless fables, written in English and beautifully illustrated. Perfect for all ages, these stories offer valuable moral lessons. Available as an ebook on: Kobo, Apple Books

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List of Vietnamese fairy tales

Vietnamese  fairy tales includes many stories as Tam and Cam; So Dua; Hundred – knot- bamboo tree... which were spread in folk. Each stories has  its own meaning. I think I can not translate exactly each word into english but I will try my best to convey its meaning to you. Hope you like them!

Bài 1.2: Phân biệt tân ngữ và bổ ngữ.

Hầu hết các bạn học tiếng anh đều đã từng nghe qua khái niệm tân ngữ và bổ ngữ nhưng không phải ai cũng làm rõ hai khái niệm này. Vì vậy mình có viết một bài hy vọng phần nào giúp ích cho các bạn trong việc phân biệt rõ đâu là bổ ngữ và đâu là tân ngữ. Việc này có thể có ích cho các bạn khi nghiên cứu các tài liệu học tiếng anh khác.

Thanh Giong

Once  upon a time, a woman was old but she had not given birth a child. One day, when she went to her field, she saw a stranger footsore on the ground. The big footsore made her surprise and said: “omg, this footsore is so big” the she put her foot into the footsore. More 9 months later, she gave birth to a little boy named Giong. The boy was extraordinary that he was over three years old but had not spoken. He only knew lying and smiling. That year, the enemies they were known An planed to attack the country of the boy. They were merciless. Wherever they had gone, houses were ruined, fields were fired, people were killed. The sight behind them is mess of corpse and blood and ashes.The King was worry he forced his servants to look for person who could fight against the enemies.  One day, a servent went to Giong’s village while the woman was holding the boy in her arms, she said sadly that: “Giong, I wonder that when you have grown up to fight

Wishing pearl

De was a young boy. His parent was servants of a landlord. Every morning, De led landlord’s cattle to meadow and brought them back at nightfall. De used to be excited in playing with his fellows and when he was in his game he didn’t care anything. Many times the cattle he herded ate rice on field and the owners used to beat him pained but he still left cattle and joined in his fellows. One normal day, he and his fellows had a swimming competition. An award was given to the winner that he couldn’t refuse. Therefore, he participated in the competition and left his cattle on a wild hill. They swam and dived in water until noon and when they walked on ground, a cow had disappeared. The cow belonged to no one but his master. Children separated to find the cow but the cow seemed to vanish they couldn’t find it. Sun was going to down, children made their ways to home they left De staying at there. Day stayed at there alone crying. After that, he fell in sleep. Latter, he was woken up b

Thi Kinh Bodhisattva

A  person had been born times, lived other lives. Each time being born, the person was always a monk or a nut, lived with strong religious belief. She or he had passed nine lives but still   didn’t reach Nirvana. At the tenth, the person was reborn in the form of a girl. She was daughter of a normal family who lived in Cao Ly and her name was Thi Kinh. Thi Kinh was a calm, kind-hearted girl. She was the person who loved her mother and father, using to help them homework. When she grew up, he parent let her married with a student whose name’s Thien Si. Thien Si was born in normal family, not richer than her family but he was very hard in studying. Therefore, Thi Kinh had nothing more pleased than undertaking all homework for her husband to have time to study. One normal night, Thien Si sat on floor reading book while his wife, Thi Kinh, was staying by sewing. Front their face was only an oil lamp. Later, Thien Si felt tired, he laid down his head was on his wife’s thigh. They had

So dua - Coconut boy

Once upon a time, there in a village had a couple who worked as servants for a landlord. Although they were over fifty years old, they had ever not had a child. They were sad about that, but they had never given up to dream about a child. One day, it's a very hot day, when the wife was working in the field and felt very thirsty. She seeked for water, but she didn't see any but a little water in a skull which was in a hole beside an ancient tree. She had no choice but to drink it. Right the moment she drank, the feeling of cold water running from her throat to her stomach made her felt very comfortable. As a magic, she was pregnant after that short time. Then, the husband died before he got the happiness looking his child be born. After nine months and ten days, the wife gave birth a son but he didn't look like any child on the world. He had no feet, no leg, and even no body. He just had a head with full of eyes, nose, ear, hair and mouth on it. He didn't ugly but was

Bài 14: Danh từ đếm được số ít và số nhiều và quy tắc thêm chuyển từ danh từ đếm được số ít sang số nhiều.

      Như chúng ta đã biết danh từ thường phân thành nhiều loại nhưng về mặt ngữ pháp bạn chỉ cần biết danh từ gồm hai loại: danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được. Về cơ bản mình sẽ nói qua một chút về danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được vì bài này chủ yếu xoay quanh danh từ đếm được. Về bản chất danh từ đếm được là những từ bạn có thể kiểm soát nó bằng mặt số lượng tức là bạn có thể đếm 1, 2, 3 cái gì đó và nó có sự phân biệt giữa số ít (một) và số nhiều (hơn một) của loại từ này trong ngữ pháp của câu. Ví dụ: I have  bananas và  I have  a banana  có sự khác biệt rõ ràng, bạn có nhận thất mạo từ  “a”  ở trước banana không? Thêm nữa Bananas  are  yellow và a banana  is  yellow bạn có nhận thấy động từ đi kèm có sự khác biệt không; danh từ số nhiều sẽ tương đương vói ư chỉ ngữ they và danh từ số ít sẽ tương đương vói it. Cơ bản là thế. Còn về danh không đếm được thì bạn phải cân, đo, đong như những thứ thuộc chất lỏng, chất rắn, hạt, hay những danh từ mang tính trừu tượn

Thach Sanh and Ly Thong Chapter 1

Chap 1:  fight with huge snake  Once upon a time, a woodcutter and  his wife were over sixty years old but they had had not any children. Although they were sad, they still did good thing and hoped God would give them one child. At last, their kindness had come to King of heaven who requested his son to fly down and reincarnate to be the old couple’son. They had just enjoyed the happiness for a short time. Then, the old man died, before his son was born. After that, the woman gave birth to a beautiful, strength boy. She named him Thach Sach. The poor boy grew up with no father then his mother also left after few years living with him. They only left him an ax and a pair of shorts. Day by day, he went to forest, cut tree, split them then took to market to get money. When he was thirteen, king of heaven forced his servants down to teach him magic and martial arts. Then they was back heaven, Thach Sanh continued living alone in the hut his p

Danh sách truyện cổ tích việt nam

Dưới  đây là những câu truyện cổ tích chắc có lẽ chỉ quen thuộc với mọi người. Bởi lẽ, ngày nay chúng ta đã quá quen với các phương tiện giải trí khác như smart phone, internet có thể dễ dàng cập nhật những bộ phim hay, trò chơi điện tử hấp dẫn. Những câu truyện cổ tích vì vậy không còn quá nhiều sức hấp dẫn đối với chúng ta. Tuy nhiên, mỗi câu chuyện ở đây đều mang trong mình một ý nghĩa riêng. Nếu bạn là người yêu thích những thứ liên quan tới văn hóa dân gian Việt nam; từng một lần ghé qua đây, hãy đọc những câu chuyện dưới đây và nhận lấy cho mình một ý nghĩa trong mỗi câu chuyện dưới đây.